Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Some Things

Oh hey...

How are you?
I'm good. Just applying for a dozen jobs without hearing anything.
Such is life.

Here are some things I'm loving.

1. Blue Bell Strawberries and Homemade Vanilla. Blue Bell is probably the best thing about living in OK.

2. They finally came and mowed my grass patch today! It's deliciously short and soft...

3. Hunger Games Soundtrack, especially this song by The Civil Wars

4. These Double Chocolate Marshmallow Crispy Bars. Oh yeah.

5. Heejun Han. Most adorable Asian ever.

6. Draw Something. This is the beauty I got from sister Lauren last night. We're not going to talk about what the candle looks like. Because this is a family blog.

7. Biggest Loser's Weight Loss Yoga. It's kicking my bottom.

8. Chats with old friends. Who I miss dearly.

9. Ali and Christina's new music video, featuring my adorable siblings Brielle (pictured below) and Kendall.

10. Amazingly hot weather. It's in the eighties people... and I'm loving the brown skin I'm getting. In March. That's fine.


  1. Our username on Draw Something is wildwit, add us!!!

  2. I am jealous you are getting skinny and getting brown skin! I hope this is all in preparation for our cruise.... Let's Skype soon!

  3. Oh my gosh, that draw something! Haha! And I heart Blue Bell. We just finished off a container of Cherry Cheesecake....might be one of my favorite flavors yet! All of them have been divine though.

  4. I love Draw Something, I think I'm addicted. I'm not very good though.
    Have I mentioned lately how glad I am that you blog?
    I'm glad.

  5. Ok, i seriously just laughed for like 5 minutes from lauren's drawing!! holy cow I love that girl. haha


now. do it. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...