Monday, January 2, 2012


in 2012 I will....

1. Drink more water.
2. Go to Zumba and Yoga classes religiously.
3. Cut down my sugar intake. Eat healthy!
4. Read more.
5. Manage my time more effectively
6. Execute projects instead of dreaming about them.
7. Serve others.
8. Become financially savvy
9. Go to the temple once a month
10. Take a course or two.
11. Be a more thoughtful wife.
12. Find a job that I love.


  1. Great list! You've inspired me to do the same with most of your goals!

  2. Love the list, and the peaky leaky, and the virgin Cosmos, and the red lips and the peeps know how to nail New Year's eve! Wanna see you in January. ;)


now. do it. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...