Tuesday, October 30, 2012

they did the monster mash

We had our first ever Halloween party Saturday night.
I spent the entire day preparing because I am a procrastinator and 
have no concept of time management. 
It's a miracle I graduated from college. 
It's probably because I'm terrified of failure. 
ANYWAY... we had a fantastic time and some great costumes. 
Halloween is quickly becoming my favorite holiday. 

Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 28, 2012


It was a stressful and lovely week. 
So glad to have my husband back! 
Our weekend consisted of a quick trip to the city
and a fun Halloween party with our friends. 

1. Hat Day with H and V
2. The Nav check ride is over! So happy.
3. puppy snuggie. 
4 . My husband the creeper.
5. Getting scared in the city.
6. Flo and Hell's Mels.
7. She hates us. 
8. We survived!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Flashback Friday

Yeesh. Can't believe this was five/six years ago. 
It's been five years since I've worn a costume on Halloween! 
That's ridiculous.
Well we're changing it up this year. 
Going all out with a party and costumes. 
check back for pictures! 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

T-1 Domination

So proud of these two boys.
Both Jake and our friend Charlton passed their check rides
with a Excellent overall grade. The highest!
 They pretty much dominated the T-1. 
It should be all downhill from here... which is good
because we definitely need a break from the maddening stress that's
been hanging over our heads for the past two weeks.
Thanks for all of your prayers and support!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

One Year

in case you missed it...

Oh what I would give to relive this trip...
It was so much fun!

Thanks for all of your kind words, Jake passed his precheck and 
has his checkride flight set up for tomorrow!
We're so close...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Air Force Gangnam Style

Every class, before they graduate, makes a video to show at assignment night.
Most of them are pretty lame and very cheesy, but this one...
pretty impressive. 

guess who's in charge of our class video... Jake.
so who's going to end up making it? Courtney.
Oh boy.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Rough week. 
Jake's at a really taxing part of his training
and his future plane pretty much rides on this flight coming up.
Ugh. We can't wait to get it over with!
Luckily I have a Halloween party to distract me and
hopefully boost my productivity. Which has been at an all time low. 
Keep us in your prayers :)

1. Family cuddle session.
2. An Oklahoma sunset.
3. Luke's Birthday Party! 
4. Autumn leaves with our Sunbeams.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

When Autumn Comes...

Oklahoma's Autumn definitely doesn't compare to that of Utah, 
but I'm trying to make the most of it. 
I think autumn is beautiful no matter where you live.
Except for maybe some parts of Russia.

I sure do miss those Saturday mornings in Logan Canyon.
If you're there please buy some bagels 
and hot chocolate and enjoy the colors for me.

sorry mom.
actually, no I'm not.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Flasback Friday

That weirdo with the mustache? 

Yeah, that's me. 

I had a tomboy phase...

Have a good and spooky weekend!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


It's been a nutty few days. 
Hence the lack of blogging. 
 We played mom and dad over the weekend
to some cute kittens from our ward. 

Then I was American Idol obsessed preparing for round two auditions
(which means I made it through round one, I just couldn't tell you,
 in fact...I still don't think I can, but frankly I don't care:))

Tuesday, my friend Melissa and I were up at the crack of dawn driving down to the city for it
and after a few hours of useless production set ups and camera shots, I had a fifteen second audition 
that ended with a, "you have a good voice but you're not what we're looking for"
...and just like that, I was done. Lame, right?

Mainly I was just pissed I wasted so much time preparing for such a short audition, 
after that wore off I started feeling rejected, which is normal.
I sort of wish I would've flipped them off and ran out yelling, "I'm A Star!" 
Buuut I didn't. So I ran around Target yelling it instead.
Over all it was a fun experience that brought me out of my Enid sulking shell.
I met some fun people that did make it through, so I'm excited to see them on the T V. 
Who knows, maybe you'll see my pasty face in the corner of the dance scenes... so cool right?
A special thanks to Melissa and my family/friends for their support!

1.The way to a five year old's heart...
 crayons, Strawberry Shortcake, and a fluffy puppy.
2. Pumpkin Painting with Coop.
3-4. Late night dance parties!
5. Waiting for my impending doom. At least it was pretty...
6. Terrified and ready to go!
7. How to deal with rejection. Target, Olive Garden, 
and Pumpkin Spice Krispie Kremes. Yum!
8. Recovering with Reagers! She helps brighten up any day. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tree Climbing Wonder Dog

In case you missed it.

I might be over-sharing this new hobby of Maizey's, but I can't help it. 
Ever since she realized how easy it is, she is no longer happy being an indoor dog. 
All she wants to do is chase squirrels.
Ugh, having a wonder dog is so exhausting...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

what comfort this sweet sentence gives

Did you watch conference this weekend?
I did. 
Well I tried. 

This particular talk stood out to me. 
Probably because this man speaks with such passion and emotion
that I can't help but pay attention. 

"To those who have were once with us but have retreated, preferring to pick and choose a few cultural hors d'oeuvres from the smorgasbord of the Restoration and leave the rest of the feast, I say you face a lot of long nights and empty nets. The call is to come back, stay true, love God, and lend a hand. I include in that call to fixed faithfulness every returned missionary who ever stood in a baptismal font and with arm to the square said, "Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ." That commission was to have changed your convert forever, but it was to have changed you forever as well." Jeffrey R Holland

"God is never hidden, but sometimes we are, covered by a pavilion of motivations that draw us away from God and make Him seem distant and inaccessible. Our own desires, rather than the feeling of "Thy will be done, " create the feeling of a pavilion blocking God. God is not unable to see us or communicate with us, but we may be unwilling to listen to His will and time."  President Henry B Eyring

Whether you are Mormon or not, these men have inspiring messages that can uplift and inspire.
If you are interested in listening to their individual talks,  or reading more about the Mormon church, click HERE.
Last time I was home, I stole a copy of my mom's CD that she recorded for my late Grandpa Olsen.
Her voice pretty much brings me to tears as I recall countless hours of hearing her songs fill our home. She is truly talented.
Here is one of my favorite songs, sung by her, forgive me if I start posting these once a week.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Halloween is here and I'm embracing it with open arms. 
We had a chilly cold front in Enid this week with temperatures in the forties. 
That definitely made it feel like Fall... and Idaho. Burrr.
So I went a bit crazy inside with decorating and baking festive treats.
Halloween is so much fun! Are you dressing up this year?

1. McDonalds. The devils candy.
2. Dog Groomer Courtney strikes again.
3. Poodle Puppy Play Date.
4. Caramel Apples. 
(I could sprinkle Butterfinger on everything, I love it.)
5. Neighbor Gifts!
6. Luke the human airplane.
7. Little J, you will be missed.
8. Conference breakfast with Melissa's Pumpkin 
Cinnamon Rolls and Spiced Apple Cider. yum!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

yes, we do have a birthday here.

I have plenty of complaints about being the oldest.
Guinea Pig, The Example and Second Mother... it's a lot of responsibility. 
There is, however, a perk. You get to see all of your younger siblings grow up.
My birthday was a week ago and my younger sister wrote the sweetest blog post for my birthday.
You can always count on Lauren for a tear-jerking flashback. 
 So to keep the love going, I'm going to do the same for baby sister. 
Her birthday is today! She's ten years younger and I call her "mini me."
What I love about her:

1. Mckell has a huge heart and a sensitive soul.
2. She's a great Volleyball player and has a lovely singing voice.
3. She's got attitude. She has since she was a wittle girl always sticking it to us older siblings.
4. Loyal friend and sister. She was by my side my entire visit home.
5. Brave and ambitious. This girl has been through some difficult things,
 but she's handled it so well.

Hope you have a wonderful birthday Kelly! Wish I could be there to celebrate.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Pumpkin Patch

Ohh I love pumpkins. Almost as much as I love Luke.
Are your eyes burning from all the orange? 
Hope you are all having a lovely weekend!
I'm spending mine watching conference and making goodies.
A weekend at home is just what the doctor ordered.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Flashback Friday

I'm going crazy over here decorating for my second favorite holiday.
So I thought it appropriate to share this oldie.
My mom handmade this cute costume, see mom, you do have a crafty side!
I make a pretty cute pumpkin wouldn't you say?