Ohh what a wonderful Christmas. This year we spent the Christmas holiday with the Kearns family. It was lovely to say the least. A lot of Jake's family (okay...they're my family too) were able to come to Draper for this blessed celebration and we had soo much fun! Mike and Ashley's kids are absolutely adorable and made the Christmas spirit truely thrive. They were very much excited for Santa to come. There were many presents, tons of food, and lots of Nerts. Oh and one can't forget the PS3 and SNL. I'm so grateful for such wonderful in-laws and new family members. They made it so hard to leave! Here are a few pictures from the party...
When I say party I mean it...
Davis and Bailey dancing to Jingle Bells!
Our first Christmas as a married couple... Awww! (no makeup and a elf hat, don't judge me)
Mike and Ash. Nerts for Life.
One must not forget the gorgeous sisters. I got stuck with the one in the middle. :)
Hope you all enjoyed Christmas! 2010... I welcome you.
It sounds like you had a very Merry Christmas with the in-laws! Happy New Years girly!