I bet you're all loving this tagging bidness, but I must say I was rather flattered to get tagged,
so hereee we gooo.... thanks princess big laugh!
What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
Every year all of us chillins would make a blanket fort upstairs and sleep in it Christmas Eve. Nothing like falling asleep on the floor, watching The Christmas Story...
What is your favorite way to relieve anger/frustration?
I love bubble baths... sadly I can't really have them, due to the lack of warm water here, so I resort to watching Keeping up with the Kardashians and eating ice cream.
What was the last good movie that you watched? Why?
Hmm... I did love Inception. Enough to see it twice, which probably never happens.
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
Can I fall back asleep?
Name 5 things that make you happy!
1. Jacob 2. Fall Colors 3. Pumpkin Muffins 4. My family (Morrison AND Kearns) 5. My best friends
Describe your perfect day.
My perfect day would be sleeping in till nine, not going to school, shopping at Target, spending time with family and friends
What is the worst job you have ever had?
Well obviously I hate serving. I hated serving at Olive Garden, even though I actually got paid there...
If you could relive the best day of your life, what day would it be? I want details! :)
My wedding day naturally.... I just want to go back so that I can relax and enjoy the beautiful decorations and food. I just loved it.
Alright, so here are the people I am taggin... time to step up ladies!
Courtney Kearns, the younger
Amy Kearns, that's right, time to step up shlister
Ashley Kearns, the blonde
Ashley Kearns, the brunette
Julie Rose, the eldest
Katie Perkes
Ali Damraur
Hailey Jasper
1. What is your dream job and why?
2. What is your all time favorite TV show or movie?
3. Where is your ideal place to live?
4. What is your biggest pet peeve?
5. What is the first thing you'd buy if you won a million dollars?
6. What is you're worst fear?
7. If you could be any celebrity who would you be?
8. Go to the 8th picture in your fourth album and tell me the story behind it!
Love ya