Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Camping in the Snow.

Long time no blog. So last weekend my besties Ally and Isaac came to Logan for a weekend of fun! We were determined to go camping even though we knew it was likely to rain. We drove out to Green Canyon and found a cute little campsite. Jake and I set up our little two man while the Domans set up their large and in charge six man mansion. Things were looking pretty good weather wise, a little sprinkle here and there but we were able to play some mattress nertz and it stopped! We had dinner and roasted a couple mallows (Jake singed his hair and eyelashes in the fire) and then we got some wind, we could tell a storm was comin. We put everything away and went in the mansion. And then.... it happened. pure chaotic rain. for hours. Jake and I decided to retire to our shack of a tent and of course, I needed to use the ladies room. Problem was that there was no ladies room. So I bundle up and with Jake holding an umbrella over my head and TP in between his legs, I attempted to pee. It was definitely not my proudest moment. We then attempted to sleep. It was freezing and the rain was so loud! We were also woken up by the loudest rock slide at about 5 AM. I thought we were goners. Morning finally came and the rain had decided to cool its jets. Jake went to make the fire and realized we forgot a key ingredient to our breakfast... syrup. So he left us there stranded. And then... it started to SNOW. It was awesome. Two hours later Jake made it back and he FORGOT THE SYRUP! But we stayed and made it home somehow. With the rain, with the snow, and with the hail. Twas the most miserable night. I will never go camping again unless the weather is perfect. But never the less we had an adventous weekend with our friends and I am so so happy they came.
Jake and his burnt off hairs
The Domans

See ya!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hello Summer....

School's over! And I'm really enjoying summer so far... It's strange having no homework. Strange and WONDERFUL. I did pretty well with my grades, I've gotten four A's so far and one B... don't get me started on my practicum grade or my stage makeup grade that I STILL haven't received. Our friends Alli and Richy left last week. They've been our neighbors/roommates for years now and we loved having them right across the way. We loved watching Biggest Loser, bowling, and playing Nertz. I didn't realize how sad I'd be, and I must confess I shed a few tears as they drove away. BUT I'm really excited for them, moving to Texas is such a big adventure. I can't believe we'll be making a change like that in about a year... crazy.

Speaking of change, Jake will be leaving for France in less than two weeks. That should be interesting... at least we have Directv and DVR now, and I've been doing pretty well with working out. So as long as I keep up the productivity the month on my own shouldn't be TOO horrible. I've been having so much fun with him lately... it'll be really hard to see him go. I know he'll have a great time, so I'm happy for him. But if you're around Logan this next month... call me. I'll be crazy bored. I'll probably get stir crazy and color my hair something different... like this??

Mother's Day

Good old IF for Mother's Day... we had fun playing murderer in the dark with the Porter clan, celebrating my dad's 50th (don't worry dad, you're still a machine...) going to some long awaited homecomings and appreciating my mom on mother's day. We went to Freeman Park and brought our old dog Maddie with us. I hadn't seen her in a year! She is looking a lot older but still has a lot of fire left in her. I forgot how pretty she is. I'm glad her new owners are taking such good care of her.

Mckell was such a good sport, always lightening up the day around those moody teenagers...
It was really funny to see Mason getting jealous over Maddie getting attention, it reminded me of how chaotic is used to be.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Finals Week

Ohh my, what a crazy week! I think finals kicked my butt more this year than ever before, mainly because I had so many theatre projects to complete and they were very time consuming.... But I'm really happy and relieved with the way they turned out. I can't believe summer is here. It hasn't quite hit me yet. This year has flown by! Here are some samples of my final projects.

Renderings for the Three Musketeers

half scale dresses for patterning
And an Avatar look for Makeup :)
Me and my human husband Jake Sully