Sunday, June 17, 2012

Future Father

 After writing a letter to myself on Mothers Day,
 I thought it would be fun to have Jake do the same! 
So I talked him into it. He's such a good sport.

Dear Future Father Jake:

You're a daddy now! Here are some things you wanted to remember to do now that you're a parent:

Prioritize: No matter how stressed/tired you may be from work, school, or other responsibilities you may have, never let it affect your relationship with your children and wife. Always make it a priority to talk with them, grow with them and spend one on one time with them.

Be Patient: First, always remember that you were once a kid too...and probably a much more annoying little guy than your kids could ever be. Keep your cool and never let your kids get the best of you. Never try to control your kids into making the decision you want them to. Teach them correct principles and let them choose for themselves. 

Have Fun: You've been waiting to have kids your entire life. Have fun being a parent. Teach your kids to have fun. Show them how to make a bad situation better. Play. Get involved in their hobbies with them. Never miss a moment....because there's no getting them back.

Most importantly, if you will strive to be half the dad your father was, you will be a successful parent. Take the lessons he taught you as a kid and share them with your children. Look to his example when you aren't sure what to do. Share your difficulties with him and ask for his advice. Use his experience to your advantage.

I also want to thank my dad for showing me what a good father should be.
Because of that example, I didn't settle for anyone less incredible for my own family.
I know that Jake will be an amazing dad, just like his father and mine.
Happy Fathers Day!

1 comment:

  1. This is so amazingly adorable and the best idea! We are totes going to copy you. Don't hate. One question, how did you convince jake to do this?


now. do it. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...