Sunday, May 13, 2012


 Dear Future Maternal Me:

Congratulations on conquering your fear of becoming a mother!  I knew you could do it.

Motherhood is something you've puzzled over for many years. It's a lot of responsibility, and I'm sure you feel overwhelmed most of the time. Owing to the fact that I know how stressed and forgetful you can be, I thought I would remind you of some goals you have/had concerning child rearing. 

- Teach your children sewing, cooking, nutrition, finances, and most importantly, hard work. Take the time to focus in on each child's talent and encourage them to carry out their goals.

- Be patient. You've always had a bit of a short fuse and I hope you've learned to control it. Remember to take a moment for silence and meditation. Ask your husband for help when you feel defeated. He needs reminders too.

- Get involved. Plan activities with your kids and include them in your interests. Make memories and hold traditions for them to pass on to their kids. Make family time fun and consistent. 

- Be an example. Take care of yourself and maintain a strong testimony. Always be firm in your beliefs and values. Never let your children question what you stand for and why. Take the time to study and pray for surety and guidance.

- Be trusting. Let your children make mistakes and learn on their own without you breathing down their neck or invading their privacy. Be someone they can come to when they need advice. Keep their secrets. Share the disciplinary work as a couple and always support each others decisions.  

-Make your husband and children the highest priority in life. It's important to have a social life and hobbies, but always put your family first. Never let them doubt your interest in them. Be a cheerleader and a coach. 

-Always take the high road. You have a tendency to be apathetic. If they hurt your feelings, let it go because you are the adult. No matter how stupid or childish the issue is, do not hesitate to reach out to them and listen to their troubles. Show compassion and concern for their troubles. 

Courtney, remember that you have always wanted to be a mother. At times you'll want to throw in the towel, but don't give up. It's okay to make mistakes, just take a deep breath and learn from them. Show love to your husband and support him because he'll make mistakes too. The most important thing to remember is to never let your family fall apart.


Your younger and naive self.


A special thank you to my mother for teaching me to be the woman I am today. I am grateful for her continuous love and support. She passed down many things to me including a love for music, children, and life. A daughter's relationship with her mother is the most important and complicated relationship she'll ever have. It's something to treasure and protect, no matter what happens. I love you!


  1. This post is beautiful Court! I love every word of it. You are going to be an amazing mother to your future kids.

  2. I meant to comment earlier and got distracted! But seriously favorite post ever! You're the best! And it makes you a great future mom to want to plan everything out and know just what kind of mom you want to be and to know what is most important to the two of you as parents!


now. do it. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...