Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Soo this week I've been stressed to the max. It's not like anything real big happened, I just started thinking about the 23 credits I'm taking next semester and the research paper/test I have coming up and just sort of... crashed. Like had a nervous breakdown. Couldn't get off the couch. Wanted to drop out. I thought to myself... What if I never use this major? What's the point? I just want to be done. I can't handle this. That sort of thing. So I cuddled and cried with Jake for a bit, and came to this conclusion. Court. This is a huge opportunity you've had here. How many people get to go to college in such a fantastic place, take awesome classes like hat making and pattern drafting, pay nothing for it, and actually graduate? You have to finish these four years of hard work and hell. No matter what it takes.

Therefore, tonight I am grateful for school. Stupid stupid school. Thank you for pushing me to my limits. Oh, and by the way, I am going to conquer you. I don't care if you make me cry and scream everyday. I don't care that I will live and breathe design projects after projects, and have no life whatsoever. I will sleep at the school if I have to. But I am going to graduate. Watch me.


  1. Hang in there Courtney! If you need anything please let me know!

  2. Courtney, you have a blog? I have a blog! We should be blog friends!

  3. Had a very similar meltdown about 2 months before we got married and realized that I had about a milllion papers due at the end of the semester right before we got married. Nothing like a husband cuddle to make it all better and give you a shot of courage....way to go darling sister of mine! Keep it up!

  4. That's my girl. So proud of you! I know you can do it and will never regret that you did. Sure do love my Courtney Morrison, who's the one, the one with the cute little bum!


now. do it. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...